Hispanic Jobs Report August 2015

Daniel Garza Jobs Reports

Despite the promises of “stimulus” spending, low interest rates, and the trillions of dollars added to our debt, the U.S. economy has barely improved and Hispanics are suffering because of it.

Hispanic Jobs Report July 2015

Daniel Garza Jobs Reports

Despite the promises of “stimulus” spending, low interest rates, and the trillions of dollars added to our debt, the U.S. economy has barely improved and Hispanics are suffering because of it.

Hispanic Jobs Report June 2015

Daniel Garza Jobs Reports

Despite the promises of “stimulus” spending, low interest rates, and the trillions of dollars added to our debt, the U.S. economy has barely improved and Hispanics are suffering because of it.

Hispanic Jobs Report May 2015

Daniel Garza Jobs Reports

Despite the promises of “stimulus” spending, low interest rates, and the trillions of dollars added to our debt, the U.S. economy has barely improved and Hispanics are suffering because of it.

Hispanic Jobs Report April 2015

Daniel Garza Jobs Reports

Despite the promises of “stimulus” spending, low interest rates, and the trillions of dollars added to our debt, the U.S. economy has barely improved and Hispanics are suffering because of it.