Nationally Recognized Personal Finance Expert Will Share Tips to Hispanic Community
(Mission, Texas) – The LIBRE Institute, a nonpartisan and nonprofit organization that serves as a trusted resource for the Hispanic community, will interview Andres Gutierrez, a nationally recognized personal finance expert with years of experience working with the Hispanics across the country, to discuss financial best practice during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Andres Gutierrez will provide practical advice for Latinos who are being confronted with job loss and escalating debt in one of the worst economic situations in recent history.
According to a recent study by the Pew Research Center, Hispanics are more likely than the rest of the U.S. population to see COVID-19 as a major threat to their health and finances. Around two-thirds of employed Hispanic adults say they would not get paid if the coronavirus caused them to miss two weeks or more.
Disclaimer: The LIBRE institute does not provide financial advice.