(Phoenix, AZ) – Today, The LIBRE Institute announced the launch of a six-figure grassroots initiative to empower and educate families in Phoenix about the policies increasing their educational opportunities. Policies such as public school open enrollment, charter schools, empowerment scholarship accounts, and tax credits help all families obtain the education that is best for their children. The effort will include digital ads, radio ads, video testimonies, mailers, grassroots canvassing and phone banking, a bilingual website (English, Spanish), and much more.
Click here to view the latest digital video ad featuring multiple Arizona moms.
Carlos Alfaro, Arizona Coalitions Director of The LIBRE Institute, issued the following statement:
“The hope of a better future for our children starts with a chance at a quality education. That’s why families in Arizona overwhelmingly agree that education is a top issue. Through the launch of our new grassroots initiative we are educating families on the educational options available to them, and on the role that educational freedom plays in empowering families with the ability to select the best options for their children. When you empower families with more choices and greater access to information, it better equips our community to reach the American Dream.”
LIBRE Background:
The LIBRE Institute engages and informs the U.S. Hispanic community on the benefits of economic freedom because Freedom Drives Progress. Through Our Four Pillars: Economic Prosperity, Education, Faith, and Family, The LIBRE Institute is empowering Latinos to achieve the American Dream.
The LIBRE Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan and nonprofit organization that serves as a trusted resource in helping Hispanics grow more prosperous, and lessen their dependency on government. We provide the tools and information that empower the Latino community to build a successful future in the United States.
Background on AZ Education Options:
Arizona families have the most freedom in the nation to choose the school that is best for their children. This freedom is enabling more children to obtain a great education. The facts are clear: when families can choose the best school for their children regardless of income, all children succeed.
- Arizona has five of the top seven schools in America, according to U.S. News & World Report’s 2017 national rankings.
- Arizona is the only state to show significant progress in 4th and 8th grade math, science, and reading between 2009 and 2015, according to the nation’s report card.
Whether public, private, charter, or home school is best for a child, Arizona offers families the most opportunity for educational success.
For interviews with a representative from The LIBRE Institute, please contact Brian Faughnan, 202-805-1581 or Wadi Gaitan, 202-853-4463