ICYMI: The LIBRE Institute ‘Welcome to Florida’ Program Assists Newcomers to the State

Daniel Garza Florida

(Tampa, FL) – This week, the ‘Welcome to Florida’ effort of The LIBRE Institute was profiled in The Weekly Standard. The program seeks to provide the instruments for success to new arrivals from Puerto Rico and elsewhere. The LIBRE Institute currently offers free English courses, resume building workshops, and other services to expand access to the resources to build a new, successful life and achieve the American Dream.

Weekly Standard: ‘Welcome to Florida’

“It offers an array services —including English classes, resumé building, and mock interviews—all of which are part of an initial $100,000 effort in Orlando, Miami, and Tampa, where high concentrations of Puerto Ricans have arrived. And the program also includes guest speakers explaining the benefits of free market economics and limited government.”


“We want to help people understand what the free market looks like, that freedom drives progress and that we’re free to do whatever God wants us to do,” says LIBRE Institute deputy Florida director David Velazquez, a former pastor who has lived in Orlando for 26 years and whose background helps forge partnerships with local churches.”


“We’re not trying to activate them in any way,” he says, “but people can decide for themselves.” For instance, LIBRE might bring in a speaker from Venezuela to explain what government coercion looks like down there. And then “They see similarities,” Velazquez says. “And a light bulb goes on. It’s up to them what they do with that.”

Read the article here.

For interviews with a representative from The LIBRE Institute, please contact Brian Faughnan, 202-805-1581 or Wadi Gaitan, 202-853-4463
